Heating season for power and heat engineers – it’s a kind of examination. In the season of 2014 – 2015 our specialists in North regions of Kazakhstan has successfully passed it. Large volume of works during the last year was proceeding for such a final. 

We have continued implementation of investment program: last year CAEPCO was at 3rd place in terms of volume of capital expenditures in the sector. By the results of 2014 the Company has performed its investment program, adopted for the period of 2009 – 2018 for the two – thirds: KZT 108,29 bln was already directed to implementation of modernization projects from the total amount of KZT 192 bln. It is important to mention that Company uses the investments within the frames of state program of ceiling tariffs as well as borrowed and own funds. By virtue of synergy of funding sources, modernization of company’s assets goes at high gear.  

Actual implementation of investment program activities in 2014 amounted to KZT 28,24 bln. According to the plan, in December 2014 “PAVLODARENERGO” JSC after performed reconstruction commissioned turbine unit st. #5 at Pavlodar CHP-3 with a capacity of 125 MW. This activity allowed to increase installed capacity of the station from 505 up to 520 MW. In autumn of 2014 boiler unit st. #8 was commissioned at Petropavlovsk CHP-2. As the result of modernization of boiler unit nominal steam productivity was increased from 220 up to 270 t\h. Conducted modernization allowed to increase reliability and efficiency of boiler unit operation as well as the whole station.

In 2014 the Company has increased volume of electric energy production compared to 2009 by 12,6%, heat energy increased by 10,1% at simultaneous reduction of transmission losses of electric energy by 4,1% and heat energy by 0,4%. Thus was reflected at financial results: in 2014 CAEPCO was at 2nd place in terms of revenues and aggregated installed capacity.

One of the important aspects of the activity is observance of balance between growth of production and issues of environment protection: enterprises of the Company in 2014 were not exceeding normative of maximum admissible emissions. Positive results of work for reporting period is maintaining of ash trapping efficiency rate at boiler unit at the level of 99,5%. In 2014 Company has continued works for construction of 2nd phase of ashpond at Pavlodar CHP-3 and CHP-2. Works for designing of 2nd phase of ashpond of Ekibastuz CHP in the floor of lake Tuz started in 2014 were finally completed. 

In 2014 and even now we pay special attention to the projects of automation of systems of commercial accounting of electric energy as well as dispatch management. Within recent two years the Company implements AIMC – automated informational metering complex, which allows arranging collection and transfer of data from remote consumers of heat networks. 

In general we passed to 2015 with positive results and are intending to continue performance of activities for increase of internal efficiency, development of projects for diversification of business and expansion of regional presence at the markets of the Kazakhstan.