The main outcome of 2016 is a growth of operational indicators thanks to accomplishment of the tasks assigned under the investment program of CAEPCO. Among important projects of the year I can notice the modernization of CAEPCO heat supply facilities within the "Nurly Zhol" state program, and participation of the holding in development of social projects significant for regions of presence.
2016 became a reference point in a new Corporation Strategy that determined main objectives on development of the Group of Companies within following five years. Taking into consideration new targets with respect to increase in generation, energy saving, and other areas of activity, the first year of work evidences that the Corporation accomplishes tasks assigned.
According to results of 2016, the installed electric capacity of the Corporation increased by 5.4 % up to 1203MW, heating capacity — by 1.2 % up to 2953 Gcal/h in comparison with results of 2015. Over 12 months of 2016, total net electricity supply from buses of power plants of the Corporation increased by 8.4 % in comparison with 2015. At that, total electric power generated increased by 7.8 %. Growth of electric and heat power output in 2016 became possible due to the implementation of projects under the investment program of reconstruction and modernization of plant assets commenced in 2009. Thus, in December, a new turbine unit No.5 was commissioned at the Petropavlovsk CHPP-2, which allowed increasing the installed capacity of the power plant from 479 to 541 MW. Also, the boiler unit No.12 was modernized at CHPP-2, which allowed increasing the rated steaming capacity of the power plant by 270 t/h. During 2016, measures on modernization of turbine unit No.6 were implemented at CHPP-3 of PAVLODARENERGO, JSC. Over the period of 2009–2016, generating assets of CAEPCO, JSC were renewed by 54.9 %, which is one of the highest indicators among energy companies over Kazakhstan. Modernization facilitates the increase in energy efficiency of generating assets of the Company, which shows an outrunning growth of total net electricity supply from buses in comparison with generation volumes.
Pursuant to the Corporation Strategy, an important business dimension is work on reduction of above-standard losses when transmitting heat power. The next step on the road to the objective in view became a signing of a trilateral agreement on implementation of projects on heat supply systems modernization between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and CAEPCO, JSC in 2016 under the state program of infrastructure development "Nurly Zhol". Total amount of investments in modernization of heat supply system of Pavlodar, Ekibastuz, and Petropavlovsk from 2016 to 2020 will be 25.95 billion tenge. Heat supply services in regions have already initiated implementation of modernization projects: in the last year, 4.02 billion tenge was allocated for modernization of pipelines and replacement of heat insulation.
CAEPCO group of companies continues work on introduction of automated electric and heat energy consumption monitoring system — AECMS and AHECMS. According to preliminary data, transmission losses were decreased from 7.7 to 7.5 % in 2016, in comparison with the last year. It must be said that a special attention is paid to the matter of process automation in the Corporation. In December of 2016, a project on introduction of information-computing software suit process control support (ICSS) was launched at the Pavlodar CHPP-3. It calls upon to improve economic efficiency at the expense of optimal configuration and operational mode of power plant and to automate labor-consuming calculations.
In the past year, in order to expand current-carrying capacity of power transmission lines, power engineers of PAVLODARENERGO proceeded with the replacement of existing steel reinforced aluminum cable with a high-temperature aluminum reinforced composite conductor, which allows transmitting two to three times more power in comparison with the old one of a similar section area.
The Corporation invests not only in the modernization and new areas of business development, but also in sustainable growth. In 2016, CAEPCO, JSC continued to implement projects on environment protection, occupational health and safety, staff development, and social partnership. In 2016, number of social projects was added with an opening a hostel for a restricted number of families for employees of SEVKAZENERGO, JSC and residents of Petropavlovsk. Partnership relations in all regions of development allow finding solution of problems and improving quality of life people creating condition for development.
Sum up the results of 2016, I wish to express my appreciation to all employees and partners, who relying upon on their experience and competence help to achieve effective accomplishment of tasks assigned, which, as a result, promotes well-being and development of regions of Kazakhstan.