It is not likely that heating season could be passed without any incidents due to depreciation of heat networks. However last years LLP “Petropavlovsk Heat Networks” does its works on a high level – even upon occurred at the heat networks accidents their consequences were eliminated very quick and professionally without freezes at the infrastructure. 

Previously planned activities, conducted right before scheduled heating season at head enterprise of JSC “SEVKAZENERGO” – Petropavlovsk CHP-2, constitute a sound list. Current repairs of six boiler units are already performed, four boiler and turbine units underwent capital repairs. Before starting the heating season all works at boiler and turbine units included to the plan will be completed. Besides that the enterprise conducts modernization of one of the turbine units with installation of ASATP that will ensure its full automation with wide range of control functions and management at all operational regimes. Optimization of processes according to specialist’s estimations will increase efficiency rate and decrease frequency deviations of electric current. By the end of September at PCHP-2 capital repair of smoke stack #1 will be completed.

Modernization of heating facility is conducted at fuel transmission shop of the CHP. In parallel works for reconstruction of scheme of heating energy are conducted at Petropavlovsk CHP-2.

Since January till the end of June LLP “Sevkazenergosbyt” has submitted to the court 1 983 claim forms. By analyzing this 472 debtors repaid its indebtedness before bringing the case to the court. While 529 non-payers will be forced to repay indebtedness for consumed energy, this refers to KZT 85,2 mln amount.

In the process of consideration as of today there are 982 claims for the total amount of KZT 74,6 mln. Once the court has decided, judicial enforcement agents will start their work with non-payers. Within a frames of concluded with LLP “Sevkazenergosbyt” memorandum since 2015 till June 2017 they have received 2 262 enforcement orders for a total amount of KZT 141,3 mln. On 1 101 order private judicial enforcement agents were able to collect a debt in amount of KZT 89,2 mln.

Besides that works for changing an approach for collection debts being performed – sale of immovable property, in particular apartments. Thus, in 2016 the court has satisfied change of collecting approach in terms of two apartments, since 2017 – 11 apartments of 11 debtors.