In the annual Presidential address to the Kazakhstan nation «Kazakhstan way – 2050: Shared objectives, shared interests, shared future», Nursultan Nazarbayev mentioned that Kazakhstan will develop power sector in its traditional appearances. The President mentioned the necessity of supporting new innovations in the sphere of purification emissions of Heat Power Plants and wide-spread energy savings on the basis of new technologies in the production and household.
Specified by the President objectives are the priority directions for «Central – Asian Electric Power Corporation» JSC. The Company implements projects for development traditional power, by means of innovations implementation. Subsidiary enterprises of the Corporation supply electric and heat energy to a more than 2 mln. people.
The Corporation implements investment program with a budget of more than USD 1 bln., adopted for the period of 2009 - 2018 with a purpose of enhancing reliability of generating assets, increase of electric energy generation, reduction of energy loses and emissions of Heat Power Plants. It is necessary to mentioned that «CAEPCO» JSC – one of the Companies of the country contributing own funds to the modernization projects.
We conduct wide scaled reconstruction of the equipment at our enterprises. By the completion of investment program, production assets of «CAEPCO» JSC will be renovated by 62%. In consequence of modernization and implementation of new technologies, in 2013 the Company has increased annual electric energy production volumes by 10,1%. By 2015 supply of electric and heat energy planned to increase by a more than 25%. Besides that specific consumption for generation of electric and heat energy will be reduced.
Beyond that with a purpose of reduction energy loses the Company conducts wide scaled reconstruction of electric and heat grids, replacement of induction type meters of consumers to electric ones. Automated system of commercial accounting of energy implemented at all distribution companies, what will allow to sufficiently reduce loses and consequently decrease the tariff. Performed within the frames of investment program activities allow to reduce loses of electric energy by 2% and heat energy by 6,9%.
The Corporation pays special attention to the environment protection aspects. Reconstruction of second generation emulsifiers at all station boilers allowed to enhance efficiency of flue gases purification up to 99,5% and reduce ash emissions by 6 times. Also the Company performs modernization of existing and construction new ashponds with use of innovative materials that will allow preventing soil pollution for 100%.
During 2013 achievements of «CAEPCO» JSC in the sphere of environment protection were awarded at a state level. «SEVKAZENERGO» JSC regarded as gold award holder of «Paryz – 2013» in the nomination «For contribution to the environment».
We are looking toward to enhancing life of Kazakhstan population and we are proud for sufficient contribution to the development of the country.
Amirkhanov Yerkyn Adamiyanovich