In 2016 CAEPCO JSC will continue implementing projects aimed for modernization of energy assets in the regions of presence. In parallel, the Corporation heads for supporting and development of educational projects, where targeted groups are - young workers and students of industry specific schools.

It is a fact that currently in Kazakhstan is a tendency of staff scarcity within blue-collar jobs. According to the reports, in our country one worker accounts for 6 specialists with higher education, while in some countries with developed economy reverse situation: 5 specialists with higher education per one worker. According to estimates of statistics bodies in Kazakhstan every year approximately 20 thousand working places remain vacant, which require staff with technical and vocational education.  

The State adopts certain measures in order to eliminate set gap and to enhance prestige of working specialists. From 2017 government of Kazakhstan will commence to implementation of project “Free technical and vocational education for everybody”, what was mentioned by the President Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev in his speech. The success of the project depends from educational institutions and from the activity of local authorities. I suppose that policy of local companies - potential employers plays important role in enhancement of prestige of professional workers.

Realizing high social responsibility, since 2016 CAEPCO JSC within the frames of these activities implements its own program “PROFENERGY”, which will strengthen the activities with young workers. Our projects envisages salaried placement for students at the enterprises of the Corporation in the presence regions, employment for the period of summer holidays as well as personalized corporate study allowances to the students, winners of the competition of scientific works from subsidiary organizations of CAEPCO JSC. The enterprises, in the regions are in need of highly qualified working specialists. We are ready to provide benefits upon employment of talented young workers, who will come to responsible fields in the energy sphere. As I have mentioned, the Corporation will continue its investment program, aimed to modernization of the stations. Only in 2015 in CAEPCO JSC group two new turbines and one modernized turbine were put into operation. In 2016 we are planning to launch one more new and one modernized turbines, two boiler units and to continue our works for modernization of heating networks. Commissioning of such high technology equipment at the objects require involvement of the best specialists for its maintenance. Besides that, growing share of pre-retirement and retirement age employees require employment and training of young specialists. Today we need to prepare well deserved specialists in the power energy sphere.

Collaboration of CAEPCO JSC enterprises with technical and vocational institutions shall be a mutually beneficial direction of the activities. “PROFENERGY” program will contribute its certain efforts to development of vocational staff in Kazakhstan power energy sphere.