On July 9, 2015 the press-tour for objects of reconstruction and modernization of “Petropavlovsk Heat Networks” LLP took place. In a due course of press-tour power engineers demonstrated to the representatives of state bodies, public and mass media works for repairs and replacement of main equipment and informed on the plans of the enterprise.

In overall within the frames of capital and current repairs for 2015 it is planned to replace 10,756 km of pipes among which 3,660 km of main pipelines and 7,096 km of distribution networks. As of July 7, 2015 4,081 km of pipes was replaced, among which 1,063 km of main pipelines and 3,018 km of distribution networks. Annual plan performed for 37,9%. “Modernization, reconstruction, current and capital repairs of heat networks of enterprise are conducted with a purpose of reducing depreciation of equipment and to decrease indicator of heat energy losses. Attracting state funds is conditioned by high indicator of depreciation of heating networks (72,86% from total length of 233,347 km). For example under state program “Nurly Zhol” enterprises of heat networks within three years is planning to construct 11,01 km of heating networks and to rehabilitate 17,8 km of heat isolation with application of PPU shell. In 2015 within the frames of the program construction of 1,025 km of heat main pipeline TM #1. For modernization the Company also attracts funds of the investors: within the frames of EBRD loan development of 9 projects for replacement of 7,252 km of heat networks is planned. The necessity in replacement of heat networks of Petropavlovsk as of today constitutes not less than 26 km. Based on the assumptions of existing tariffs which remains at the same level for last three years we are replacing only 10 km per year. At the moment Company prepares application for increase of tariffs since 2016” – stated General Director of “Petropavlovsk Heat Networks” LLP Mr. Igor Rybas.