The press tour for objects of the investment program of “PAVLODARENERGO” group of companies. Power engineers have told about implementation of most important investment projects of 2017 with representatives of mass media and Department of the Committee for regulating natural monopolies (DCRNM) for Pavlodar region.

First object that was visited within the press tour was Pavlodar CHP-3 – one of the most advanced stations in Kazakhstan: since 2009 its generating equipment was renovated by 70,4%. At the station journalists and representatives of DCRNM were familiarized with results of investment program and current state of implemented projects. In particular – works for reconstruction of turbine #6, started in 2016. With commissioning this equipment in 2018 installed capacity of the station will increase by 15 MW and constitute 555 MW.

Press tour for investment objects of group of companies “PAVLODARENERGO” JSC has demonstrated continuing growth of production capacities of the company. Implemented program of reconstruction and modernization, implementation of modern technologies promote increase of reliability and efficiency of work as well as improvement of environmental situation in the region. Press tour once again showed that “PAVLODARENERGO” ensures reliable and qualified heat and electric supply to the citizens of the region, its social, communal and agriculture objects and acting enterprises.