In 2016 Petropavlovsk CHP-2 of SEVKAZENERGO JSC will become more powerful as the result of commissioning of new turbine unit #5, whose assembly is conducted at present. The power engineers informed about implementation of projects in the power station during the press tour arranged for the representatives of state bodies, public and media Petropavlovsk.

Familiarized equipment Victor Barmin Director of Petropavlovsk CHP-2 of SEVKAZENERGO JSC made participants of the press tour familiar with the objects of reconstruction and modernization of power plant. In the boiler shop the delegation was demonstrated the boiler #12 which is in a preparation for commissioning. This is a fourth boiler, which runs the reconstruction. After putting the boiler into operations , capacity of the CHP in terms of a steam will increase by 50 tons per hour. The cost of the project amounts to KZT 3.9 bln. Previously, the station boilers  #6 and  #7 were already reconstructed, while boiler boiler #8 was fully replaced. As noted by the power engineers, all the objects after the reconstruction were equipped with automated systems.